Monday 25 March 2013

Can you see the rabbit?

So  I was waiting for R to turn up last Thursday afternoon and OH walked past me muttering something about feeding a newly returned cat and the next thing I knew he was calling out to me to shut the living room door because there was a rabbit in there.

'A rabbit?' I said, in an incredulous tone. 'What do you mean, a rabbit?'
'Small furry thing, long ears, white bobbly tail. That's what I mean'.
'What, a live one?'

'Yes, a live one. That's why I want you to close the door!'
You may feel my question as to the state of the rabbit was a foolish one but in fact the cats have been known to drag in dead rabbits that they have caught now and again, although not usually this early in the year. Honestly anyone would think we didn't feed them.
Be that as it may this was a live, albeit very small, bunny which OH managed to catch eventually. Apparently it was quite lively. He, R and I all had a bit of a coo and a stroke and I took this picture before OH took it back onto the land and let it go in the vicinity of the Rabbit Underground. We kept the cats in for half an hour to prevent a recurrence, and we hope that Baby Bunny found his Mum and his burrow safely.

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