Friday 1 March 2013

What I did in February

Sadly this is all going to look a lot more sparse than the equivalent January entry. It's not that I haven't been busy with craft type stuff, but not a lot has got over the finishing line.
However I did turn January's single Wallace sock into a pair

Then there was my monthly Literary Theme'd KAL. This month was William Shakespeare so I made a beret  called Star Crossed Lovers
for March the writer is Agatha Christie and I'm not too sure what I'm going to do for that. I'd better get on and make my mind up though.
I made some hats for a prem baby charity that I support but I didn't take a photo of them before I sent them away.
And that would have been that, if I hadn't been to a needle felting class yesterday at which I produced this

Mmh, still learning how to do this and sadly haven't got as far as knowing how to delete extra pictures! Anyway given that I am not at all artistic [outside of being able to draw a stick dog badly] and that we didn't have a picture or anything to go on, I was quite pleased with this.  I was particularly taken with the little black faces on the sheep.
With luck a lot of the stuff I worked on in February will get finished in March so that there'll be a bumper crop of stuff to report on in a month's time.



  1. Agatha Christie, eh? Spoilt for choice, I would have thought. looks like the sort of thing Miss Marple would have knitted, in mohair. Speaking of whom, there's this cardigan:
    Or how about some Hickory Dickory Dock socks, with mice as the "clocks"? Or pretty much anything with Hercule Poirot moustaches.

    Like I said ...

  2. I think I'm so going to disappoint you with my final choice....
