Tuesday 17 May 2022

Oooo look, a shiny thing


Our trip to Glasgow was largely opera related, as they so often are, but we had other things planned as well and one of them was a visit to Chisolm Hunter the Jeweller. Thjs was largely so that I could choose and we could order a special sparkly thing, which will no doubt make an appearance here in due course, but  I decided that if we were going to be in a nice jewellers I would look for some pearl ear rings. 

This wasn't just random, there were two reasons for it. One is that I inherited a pair of small pearl studs from my mother but even for everyday wear* they are very small, although a very beautiful colour. So  I have been thinking vaguely of getting some slightly larger ones for a wee while. 

* when I say everyday wear, do not run away with the idea that I wander around the wilds of Orkney weighed down with precious gems on a regular basis. . Nothing could be further from the truth. But if we do go out for something more exciting than a trip to the post office I generally wear something in my ears and pearls are a good choice as they go with everything. 

The second reasons is rather ore complex, and perhaps more compelling. When I finally achieved my Ph D I wanted to buy myself a remembrance piece of jewellery to mark it. After the trials and tribulations I felt in a way it was the least I deserved, because it was a long road and there were a few bumps along the way, and even though on some days I just think 'Well, I did that, and so do hundreds of others' on other days I think, 'I did that and it was a real achievement'. What I had in mind was a ring and we took a day to go over to Dounby to the shop and workshop of Alison Moore, whose work I love, to choose something. After a long time looing I saw it. THE ring. It had her Storybook finish to the band, and was set with a garnet which was embellished on one side  with a group of small, half melted gold beads. I had never seen anything like it and I fell in love with it. Of course it was't my size but the woman in the shop assured me she could see no problem with having one made in my size, she would check with  Alison and get back to me after the weekend. 

Well she got back to me and the answer was that No Alison wouldn't make it in my size. There was no explanation as to why she wouldn't, it was just a No. I was really disappointed. Well, gutted might be a better word. I'd selected a 'back -up' on the off chance that I  couldn't have The One Ring, but when this was mentioned I just couldn't bring myself to order it. This wasn't going to be a cheap piece of jewellery and I  realised that I couldn't have the back up one because every time I looked at it, it was going to say Second Best to me. And when you're lookng for something to mark an achievement, something that says second best just doesn't cut it. 

I love her jewellery and prior to this had bought or been given several pieces of it  And I had anticipated buying/being given more. I have a generous husband  who likes to buy me jewellery But after this  casual 'No I can't be bothered'  I vowed we would never give her another penny of our money and  we haven't. Her loss has been other Orkney jewellers gain. 

Anyway the net result was that  I never did get around to buying myself a Ph D reward and it occurred to me that it was probably time I made that omission good and that some  pearl ear rings  would fit the bill. Not as exciting or as exclusive  as the AM ring would have been, but there again as it turned out not nearly as expensive as it would have been either. 

More on our Glasgow trip to come, although not necessarily with pictures. Took the camera, never got it out! 

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