Tuesday 10 May 2022

Going Dark

No, not my eyes thank goodness, but the  blog. We go away tomorrow for what promises to be an exciting trip to Glasgow with lots of lovely things lined up to do It's just a shame that I'll be doing most of them with a badly bruised face and a painful arm, At least the stitches are out and the dressing on my face is gone; also my glasses, which did the damage there in the first place, hide the scabs!

I hope it's gong to be an enjoyable trip because heaven knows  I could do with a bit of cheering up. This is weak of me I know. Nobody died, I just fell over. There just seems to be a lot of hassle just now (a statement not totally unconnected with an e-mail this morning from the insurance company from whom we are trying to get our Oz deposit back. When you paid a deposit in 2019 it's a bit difficult to be precise about exactly when, and the idea that I might have a letter with a date on it for an eye op. is totally laughable in the context of ophthalmology services in Orkney - and for all I knew many other places too. 

It will be good to leave all that behind for a few days. And in some good news the new Mick Herron Slough House book is out in a couple of days - it's called Bad Actors and I can hardly wait. 

1 comment:

  1. I hope you have a really lovely time - you deserve it! Good news about Mick Herron 👍
