Friday 29 May 2020

Free at Last! Free at Last!

Well not totally free, but allowed to get ourselves elsewhere in the car to get our daily exercise. It is one day short of seven weeks since we stopped ourselves going to Burwick for one of our favourite walks, having learned that police  in Orkney were cracking down on people driving elsewhere to take walks. Yesterday the First Minister lifted that restriction from today and I listened very carefully to what she said to see if there was a distance restriction on how far you could travel. She specifically said that they had decided not to put a distance limitation on it, which was excellent news and despite gloomy prognostications from the weather forecasters, today was beautiful. So we jumped in the car and went off to Burwick.

I took photos, even though I have dozens of pictures from when we've done that walk before and we saw flowers on the flax plants and lots of birds foot trefoil. We saw and heard skylarks and oyster catchers and eider ducks and in fact the only two things we expected and  didn't see much of were people and seals. We saw one man in the distance and passed another man who we actually know. The seals were not in evidence at all. This is odd as Burwick is usually a god place to see them and I have lots of photos of wide expanses of blue sea with small black dots, which really are seal heads, in them to prove it. Just not today.

We went a bit further than we usually do on this walk simply for the joy of being able to do it and enjoy a different view, and some sunshine, and my only regret really was that, given it was quite breezy I hadn't  taken an elastic thing to put my hair in.This is now long enough that we have managed to move on from bunches to a very short ponytail. Which is progress of a sort. 

Here's a selection of the pictures, many showing that normal tendency of all photos of Orkney to major on 'big sky'. 

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