Saturday 2 May 2020

One Stays, One Goes.

Doing jigsaw puzzles is a therapeutic thing for me. When there are too many things going on around me which I can't control then dong a jigsaw puzzle is great, because I am imposing order on chaos. Not surprising then that I've been turning to jigsaws more over the past few weeks. 

I have long thought that I should cull my collection and then impose a 'one in: one out' rule, because they are large and bulky things to store and if I don't do something I will run out of places to put them. Many of them I will never do again and so they could go either to our library, which recently established a collection of jigsaws to borrow, or to local charity shops. 

Lockdown seems a good time to make a start, and here are my two latest finished puzzles.

I finished this one in very little time yesterday. It's fun and it's staying. 

This one, on the other hand, is not fun and is not staying. When I got it out a couple of weeks ago the OH said 'You've done that one before' to which I replied 'I started it once before but gave up. This time I'm going to finish it'. (Because nothing says failure quite like being defeated by 1000 small pieces of cardboard)

And as you see I did finish it. It was a bit of a struggle and it has already gone to live in the spare room with some other things that are destined to be given away the moment life gets underway again. 

1 comment:

  1. We have a thriving jigsaw swap going on around my estate. Like you say, it’s imposing order on chaos - a very appealing activity right now xx
