Tuesday 12 May 2020

And here is yesteday's post ....

...which I was too poorly to actually write yesterday.

I had a very constructive weekend and was very proud of myself for finishing all the following:

one physical book
one audiobook
one e-book
one jigsaw puzzle
two small knitting projects (and I made a lot of progress on two others)

(Photos/reports of all these to come over the next few days)

In addition to this I did two lots of washing and drying and finally unpacked a huge box of china which we bought about a year ago and which has since languished in the box in my craft room, basically because unpacking it meant facing the problem of where to put it and neither of us was really up to that. We ran it through the dishwasher and we've been using it, but the old stuff (wedding presents, so almost 40 years old) is now hanging around on a stretch of kitchen bench which isn't really spare. We're not quite sure what to do with it. You would think that after 40 years there wouldn't be very much of it left but as far as I recall we have chipped one medium sized plate and broken one lid from a vegetable dish. My thrifty soul rather recoils from the fact that we bought the new (to us)  stuff, but we got it in a charity shop and it was a bargain. And beautiful. 

1 comment:

  1. Apparently “no one wants full sets like that any more” - my sister sold her full set of Kernewek (including teapot, coffeepot etc) at auction, and got £20 😢😢😢
