Monday 1 June 2020

Horticulture Notes (1)

Earlier in the year there was a post about the OH's coffee plant which was displaying lots of blossom and producing fruit as well. It has done this in the past, well last year, but there wasn't a lot of fruit and he just left it alone. This year we've moved tings along. (That's a royal we, by the way. Generally I don't do plant/garden stuff)

So a few days ago he harvested the fruit. It's called cherries apparently.

The next stage is to get the beans out.

You can apparently do all sorts of exciting things with the discarded outer layer, including eating it raw. He tried. I don't think he would recommend it, but possibly it's just an acquired taste.  

And then you dry the beans.

He tells me that he's now on to the next stage which is dehusking the dried beans and it will apparently take 'forever'. I'll keep you posted. 


  1. Replies
    1. Yup, the Orkney Coffee Roastery said they would roast the beans as long as here was a minimum of 30g and we should be well over that so looking forward to that in due course perhaps.
