Tuesday 26 May 2020

Baking - But not out of the box!

One of the many, few,  er, probably one of two neglected  tasks we have undertaken during lock down has been a long overdue overhaul of the pull out larder n the kitchen. Amazing how much space you can create in something that is overfull. when you get rid of stuff that is well out of date, bought to cater to someone else and no longer needed, etc etc. Not to mention organising the shelves in a sensible manner. The italics are for the OH who displayed a distressing inability at the time of the tidy-up to see the logic of putting all the tins on the same shelf.

Anyway we discovered various things we had forgotten we had and it seemed sensible to use them up somehow. To this end we have had several trifles, both orange and strawberry, we have had a rhubarb crumble and yesterday, determined to use up a tin of peaches I had no recollection of ever buying and no idea what I could have bought it for, I made a peach upside down cake.

Et voila

I don;t normally post pictures of my baking unless it's the baking box which I like to keep a record of but I took a picture of this because I was really quite pleased with how the peach pattern turned out. Regular readers who know my lack of decorating/finishing off skills will I am sure understand and forgive this small vanity. 

It is delicious by the way and will last us most of the week. 

1 comment:

  1. Looks very professional! I could just go for a slice of that......
