Tuesday 19 May 2020

100 Books to Read Poster Number 11

Since I don't want to re-read the books from the poster that I actually own all at once (mainly because I don't want to go on a massive C19 novel reading jag) sourcing new books to read from the poster is quite difficult. I could of course just buy a kindle version of them all but then it would be a waste to buy books I turned out not to like. And, let's face it, the strike out rate is likely to be quite high. 

The Borrowbox app is great, and I've had a few enjoyable reads and listens,  but it's not really big on the sort of book that features on a 100 Books to Read poster. I was therefore highly delighted to find one, although rather dismayed by which one it was. 

I assumed I would hate it, basically because I assumed, largely from having seen the film they made of it * that it would be embarrassingly silly and a bit crass. Which just goes to show what a fool you can make of yourself when making assumptions, because I loved it. It was warm and touching and very very funny, and even though I don't think I cracked a single smile during the film, I smiled a lot when I listened to the book and even laughed out loud several times. 

* like Lawrence of Arabia, although I have seen all the film I have never seen it from beginning to end. I have seen bits of it on several occasions and all the bits  add up to having seen it all, just not all at once. 

Anyway you'll all be desperate now to know the name of this gem and it was 

Honestly, no-one more surprised than me! 

1 comment:

  1. I must say that I enjoyed it too, although I can’t sit through the film 😉😉
