Friday 23 April 2021

Yes Only Twelve - and now it's Only Eleven.

So the first bedside book is finished. I haven't been doing nothing but reading since yesterday's post, the book concerned was almost finished when I wrote it. It was the latest from Saturday Slaughters and - ta-da! - I really rather enjoyed it.

This is it

Beloved Poison by E S Thomson. It's set in a C19 London hospital which is on the brink of being demolished to make way for the railway, and a macabre discovery sets in train a series of very violent events. 

It's well plotted, well researched, well written and full of likeable and/or credible characters - honestly, whats not to like? My only criticism is that in places it's a bit Grand Guignol, and I did wonder if perhaps she had originally envisioned it as a graphic novel.  There's a verve and enjoyment to her description of a dissection which I found quite disturbing. 

But overall a hit and, as far as Saturday Slaughters goes, not before time. 


  1. One down...😉😉😉 I’m glad this was worth the time. It’s been on my wishlist for a while.

    I’m not admitting how big my TBR pile is!

    1. well this is only the pile that's in the bedroom .... do let me know what you think of this when you've read it
