Tuesday 20 April 2021

Coffee and Cake


So all of a sudden there's lots to blog about, but I'll start here, with our wee jaunt at the weekend. The  OH needed some anti-fugal stuff for his citrus trees and some potting compost and a shallow dish for some  Pleiades (?)  - I know they aren't Pleiades because they're stars and a group of ancient Greek godlets of the feminine persuasion, and what the OH has is bulbs of a plant that looks a bit like an orchid and sounds something like pleiades. Whatever, they need special potting compost and they have to be planted in something a lot shallower than a normal plant pot, so we needed to get supplies. Also he had lost the trowel and since he's teeing up to do some gardening we needed a new one of those too. The garden centre has a very nice cafe, which I'm sure must have featured here before so as well as doing the garden shopping we had some coffee and cake. The first time  we have been able to indulge in that simple pleasure for eight long months.

It was lovely. Cake I hadn't baked myself, lattes  we hadn't made ourselves. Such a treat. I'd go more often if I hadn't boggled at the bill.

The cream egg cheesecake was not mine.  I cannot stress this enough. I did have a little taste, but these days I cannot cope with the thought of a creme egg, which is a Good Thing, and progress, and I  look back in wonder at the days when I could eat two, one after the other. 

Anyway we bought the anti fungus stuff, and the dish, and the compost, also two birthday cards, two half price notebooks and some gardening gloves for me. 

We forgot the trowel. 

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