Sunday 3 January 2021

Really not how you want to start the day

 We were woken this morning by something that sounded like someone blundering about the house. This is worrying, although it has to be said that it is probably a lot less worrying in Orkney than in other parts of Britain, because however bad it sounds the chances of it actually being what the Australians call 'a home invader' here are infinitesimal to nil. That doesn't mean though that it can be ignored, especially when you have cats. 

Now I wouldn't want anyone to think that I don't have almost impeccable feminist credentials, but I have to say that for me the investigation of strange noises in the home is definitely down to the male of the species, always assuming there is one in situ. So it was the OH who followed a trail of bird poo and blood along the passage to the spare room, there to discover both cats, and a terrified water rail beating itself against the window. 

Apparently frightened water rails are difficult to catch Who knew? 

So, my general preference is for the cats just not to bring livestock into the house; when they do my preference would always be for the mammalian rather than the avian variety. I don't want small loose voles and mice running round my house, but better them than large-ish birds. 

He did catch it, and managed to open the window and get it outside (and there's another lesson, we really should check how easily our windows are opening all round the house on a regular basis or they will seize up). And then he cleaned up the mess by which time I was up and hovering around, putting on washing and doing vaguely useful things around the coffee machine. 

We walked yesterday and today, but that will be tomorrow's post; meanwhile here's a picture of the latest progress on the cowl. I know it looks nothing like a cowl just now, but that's because it is 'of strange and ingenious design', and assuming I don't go horribly wrong all will be revealed in due course. 

I had all sorts of plans for today but I think, in view of the discombobulating start I will abandon them all in favour of hot drinks, shortbread and watching Casablanca which I recorded over Christmas and have yet to catch up with. 

1 comment:

  1. I do not envy you the bird one little bit!

    Watching Casablanca is *always* a good thing to do xx
