Saturday 16 January 2021

Dead Time Knitting

So I always think the time between Christmas and New Year is a bit of a dead time.  I wanted to do something productive with it this year so I thought I would knit something that was quick. I'd been given some wool for Christmas by a friend and as it was lovely and warm and thick it seemed the perfect choice. I had thee skeins of it and I used two, one on a hat

and one on a cowl

I love the way the colour did a zigzag stripe around the cowl. I also love the way it's tight enough to cover the bottom of my face when we're out and it's very very cold. 

I'll use up the third skein on some mittens in due course. 

Meanwhile we continue to walk most days and I continue to work on my blanket. Mattress stitch is slower than I anticipated and hard work when you have rolled edges. I am getting better at it though. which has to be a good thing.

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