Saturday 1 June 2024

The Great Wool Sort Out Update 4*

 First the stats which were very very pleasing. Wool in was 800g which is quite a lot but the bulk of that was my Monet 'Consolation for the lost holiday' yarn and the rest was a little bit of commercial 4-ply in solid colours to hold double with my sock leftovers in the granny stripe blanket where needed.

Wool out was a massive 4720g! There were two main reasons for this. One was the blanket in which I have used 2300g to date. Sadly there still seems to be a lot of left over wool to go ... but here are a couple of photos of it so far. It's not tasteful but I'm still very happy with it and it is gong to keep me very warm in the winter. 

The other reason I did so well with reducing the wool mountain was this. 

This was a crate of wool which has lived for a long time under the bed in the spare room and the contents didn't even really count as stash as some of it is so old it goes back to our first house in Leeds, and some of it came from my mother when she died.  And yes, that is some Rowan Denim there on the top and yes I did sell that. Most of the rest went off to the charity shop and the box now looks like this 

A few useful bits of DK which I have a project in mind for and some half knitted baby jumpers which I plan to finish and donate. Fingers crossed there will be another empty box by the end of this month. 

In the interests of full disclosure there is also another container of wool lurking under the spare room bed, one of those soft sided zip-up things. I'm really not sure what is in there, other than a half completed purple camel (probably best not to ask) but I plan to dig it out and have a look  sometime in July. 

I'm still thrilled that the cumulative reduction of stash for this year is 7099g. Amazing what you can do when you apply yourself. 

Completed projects in May - such a poor result they don't warrant a post to themselves. I did a pair of socks for myself 

pattern Vanilla Latte Socks, and the yarn was from The Lonely Knitter's Dr Who Collection in the colour Clara. 

And then the non-knitting thing was a cross stitch tree decoration for some friends who are coming to visit us, in their VW camper van, later this month. 

It is not an impressive total. I have been working on some things that are almost finished and of course the blanket takes up a lot of time and I've tended to privilege that because it is relaxing and oh boy have I needed thoughtless relaxing crafting this month. However I have marked my report card with Must Try Harder and hopefully there will be more to show at the end of this month. We're not planning on going anywhere, except the OH to the Ness of Brodgar dig at the end of the month so in theory I have lots and lots of time. 

* I don't really expect these posts to be of much interest to anyone other than me by the way, I just do it as an aide memoire so that I can see how I'm doing and how far I have come. 


  1. A half-completed purple camel intrigues me greatly . . .

  2. Your wool out totals amaze me every time!
