Friday 21 June 2024

So it's not exactly Masterchef, but


it tasted lovely. 

We'd seen some plums in the supermarket a couple of weeks ago but they were as hard as bullets, then a few days ago the OH was in the supermarket again and bought  a punnet thinking they were ripe. In fact one was a lot softer than the rest, obviously the one he has 'tested' and while we waited for the others to catch up, the soft one started to go mouldy. 

So on Wednesday I chopped them up and threw them in a pan with some sugar, some cinnamon, and a little bit of ginger and then yesterday I made a bit of crumble topping and did some individual crumbles. We were in town because I had a routine breast screening thing to go to so while we were there we picked up some vanilla ice cream to have with the crumble. Delicious. 

We will be having ice cream again this evening as the OH made some mango and passionfruit ice cream last week ( fortunately NOT using the kefir as a base!!!) and we'll have that with some mango. Anyone would think it was summer - although not if they looked out of the window. 

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