Wednesday 19 June 2024

is this the biggest bag of liquorice fudge in the world?


It has to be a contender, right?

We've had some visitors from South; they are the ones for whom I made the little hanging VW camper, although I find they have upgraded to something larger and smarter - they were still delighted with the  cross stitch though. They are touring Scotland and spending three days on Orkney and asked if there was anything I'd like them to bring  that I couldn't get here. Without much hope, as it is difficult to source these days, John Bull having given up on it, I said not to put themselves out but if they could find some liquorice fudge that would be great. 

And when they arrived on Monday afternoon they presented me with the huge bag pictured above. And a bottle of wine. We had a lovely time catching up. some of it inside and then when the sun came out we went for a walk on one of the local beaches. After that we took them  out for  a meal at our local restaurant and then they spent the night in their van parked on our drive. We waved them away yesterday morning to continue their Orcadian adventure and I hope they are having a good time, although it has to be said that the weather, apart from that first afternoon has been pretty poor. It hasn't rained heavily,  or all the time but ... well it's been damp. Orkney is at its best in the sunshine really but they did catch some of that on Monday so that was good.  

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