Thursday 13 June 2024

It's been a whole week????

 since I last posted? Good Grief. 

The thing is, nothing is happening. The weather is horrible so we're not really going out anywhere. I'm knitting and crocheting but I keep that stuff for end of month round ups these days - and also, as the blanket is a mega project it seems to be taking ages and contrariwise not taking up as much wool as I might have liked. I am dong some reading but we've been a bit heavy on book posts here recently, and watching some telly - mainly old series of The Great British Sewing Bee. 

I have however discovered a list of things I was going to write about from last month so over the coming  days you should get something about a trip to Inverness, Alessandro the visiting cat, and the Japanese garden we visited before setting off for our aborted french trip. 

A propos of the latter I had an e-mail from NFU this morning. 

Your claim was recently settled and we'd be very interested to hear more about your experience.

We're always working to improve the service we deliver, and by answering a few short questions - which should take no more than 5 minutes - you'll help us to get better at what we do. 

I really don't think they want my response to this. But perhaps I should let them have it regardless?


  1. Allessandro is looking forward to when his new blanket is finished.

  2. Oh, you should *definitely* give them your response!
