Saturday 15 June 2024

Alessandro the Visiting Cat

Just as the Cat Markko got used to being Only Cat we started getting visits from a smaller marmalade cat (I have done the line about how my husband has that only-visible-to-cats Sucker brand on his forehead haven't I?) 

He was just an occasional drop in for a while and then his owner went on holiday and obviously dissatisfied with the service from the designated  pro-tem staff at home, he became a bit of a fixture here. Since then, he seems to divide his time between his real owner and us, plus of course lurking in the undergrowth in our garden hoping to catch a bunny. 

One of them did bring in a bunny the other day. I swear we were out of the living room for two minutes at most, didn't even see a cat enter the house, but there it was on the living room floor when we went back in - a bunny corpse. Just to even things up a bit, we did manage to save a mouse the other day that had been brought in 'to play', so its a 1-1 draw rather than Cats 2 - Wildlife 0. We're not sure who was responsible for the bunny but we suspect Alessandro because he also had a flea on his ear that day. Wild baby bunnies are cute to look at but flea ridden. 

I don't object to Alessandro despite my No More Cats Edict because he shows no sign of deciding he wants to up sticks and move in permanently. His official name at his official owners is Boy-Boy but all our recent cats have had names that end in O and I couldn't keep calling him Jinja Cat. So Alessandro he became.  He's very affectionate, and very playful, and both of those are good things, but he's also very vocal. I swear I have never met such a vocal cat, and that can be wearing. But we put up with it. 

He's also very photogenic. 

And yes he snuggles and sleeps a lot too. 


  1. Alessandro suits him, and yes, he is very photogenic.

  2. He's very pretty! I feel your pain about the talking, though. Merlin never shuts up unless he's asleep. And even then, he squeaks.
