Thursday 6 June 2024

Insurance Update

 In the interests of fairness I should record that, after intimating to our insurance company that we were planning to make a complaint on Friday, we were telephoned on Monday morning by someone with whom we had not previously dealt. She said that they had taken another look at the claim because of course these things are 'always  reviewed' and although they could not pay out under the cancellation clause because, as previously noted here or elsewhere, we hadn't died, been made redundant or had the house fall down around our ears, they could pay us something more under a different clause - so wibbly wobbly timey winey, we have more money. Instead of being 2/3 out of pocket for the whole thing we are now only 1/3  and there is still the possibility that BA might do us a refund for a return flight we didn't take. So we accepted that and graciously agreed not to pursue our complaint although she said we could still do that if we liked. Perhaps if we'd persisted we might have got more, but really I have better things to do with my time and nerves than expend them on this. It could have been much worse, so we have learned the lesson about checking and re-checking holiday insurance and we'll press on. Onwards and Upwards. 


  1. Good news! Shame you had to threaten them, to get treated properly 🤬🤬
