Wednesday 5 June 2024

Firth Park in May

 We only just got to the park in May, things like ruined holidays having thrown us off somewhat but I remembered in time. The growth since April was spectacular and the change is more noticeable from my new viewpoint than it was from the old one in 2021.  There  were so many lovely things to look at that I took more photos than usual and even on Facebook I put an extra pic in the appropriate album; I try to do the general view plus only one close up but actually put in two this time. And I have no reason to restrict myself on the blog. So, photos - 

the usual viewpoint. The stone arch is completely hidden this month by the leaf cover on the trees. 

but here it is at ground level, just to prove it's still there 

a small carpet (rug?!) of forget me not

the small burn with the water hardly visible through the plant growth

yeah, no idea, but isn't it a pretty colour?

a rather splendid laburnum and 

 a rampant rose. 

Looking forward to seeing how it looks in June. 


  1. What a beautiful variety of colours in those trees!! I think the small red flowers are nasturtiums, but I could be wrong...

  2. I think 'tis a geum :-)

  3. I think you are right Ms Anon and that it's a gem as you say
