Wednesday 24 January 2024

It tends to be all about the craft in January

 and occasionally walks, but not in our current weather.

Now that Advent/Christmas are both safely behind us I can post pictures of the things I made for the Advent swap that one of the Ravelry groups I'm in organises. Four parcels, one each for the four weekends before Christmas. There's a very limited budget for all the swaps in this group, which is more about recycling, and making than spending money, so four parcels isn't as horrendously expensive as perhaps it sounds. 

One of my parcels was a miscellaneous mix of craft materials so I didn't  make anything myself to put in that one, but the other three parcels had things in that I had made especially. 

There were socks

there were fingerless mitts

and there was a shawl

I gave myself full marks for the shawl because there was an awful lot of wrap and drop stitches which is one of my least favourite techniques; too easy to miss  a wrap in either direction and really really difficult to put right if you go wrong. It calls for a lot of concentration on my part. However I stuck with it because it fitted the theme of the parcel it was in perfectly. 

While on the craft theme, my 'go-through' of Box 1 is proceeding quite well. I may do a 'one month done, one month to go' round up at the end of Jan. 

Weather permitting we might actually be going out this evening! and if we do I'll report on that tomorrow. 

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