Tuesday 18 April 2023

Playing Tourist

So last Friday we went to Celina Rupp's which has become our go-to for coffee and cake, not that we do that as often as that phrase probably makes it sound! In any case on this occasion our main reason for going was to select  a gift for a friend which we duly did, but we did have coffee and cake at the same time and we also picked up the new Orkney Craft Trail brochure for 2023.  

Now it's a while since we paid much attention to this brochure, because we're not tourists here any more  and we know most of the businesses that feature, and really they sell things that tourists buy. However there was a page featuring a new-to-us textile artist with a gallery in Finstown so on Saturday, the weather being glorious, we decided to give ourselves a half day 'off' living here, be tourists and drive over to mainland Orkney and take in this textile gallery (which looked sumptuous) and generally enjoy the weather and the views, take  a little walk, whatever. 

Those of you who follow me on Facebook will know  what happened as regards the gallery. Here's the post I put up on there

So yesterday we went all the way to Finstown especially to check out a textile gallery/shop. Opening hours are April - October (check). Wed - Sat (check) 12 - 4 (check).
So imagine how thrilled we were to discover a locked dark gallery and this notice on the door.
Come Again?
That's a probable No.

As I said to a friend, the addition of Sorry and Please to this sentiment would have made a world of difference in my attitude to the concept of 'Come Again'.

It wasn't all loss. We did go and have a walk in Firth Park, where some people will remember I did a photography project a couple of years ago taking a photo on the same spot on the first day of the month every month for a year. For old times sake I stood on the spot and took a photo

and I used to always take a close up of some other thing that caught my eye while we were there and I did that too. 

I didn't record. at the beginning of this month the OH's favourite day of the year in Orkney, which is the opening of Geri's Ice Cream Parlour, although we did go there on opening day. We went again on Saturday and the OH had one of her takeaway Sundaes - I think the Salted Caramel. Nowadays I generally stick to cones which are better for me but which aren't particularly exciting to photograph. here's the OH's Sundae though 

which again, looked better in the old 'sit in 'days when it came in a glass!

And here are a few scenic photos of the Orkney countryside, although as per, they feature lots of big sky and in some cases big water as well! 

This one is taken form the high point of Firth park and I'm toying with the idea of repeating my project next year and taking photos from this point. Haven't decided yet.  

The hills of Hoy ....

...and the Ring of Brodgar

and Finstown 'harbour' in the sunshine. 


  1. No wonder you were annoyed! Very poor customer service 🤬

  2. I reckon I might pick up that brochure at some point - after all, if I am at B's then I am kind of a tourist, yes? I also have meeting some lovely friends (both have the initial A) at this Polly Kettle place in my sights at some point . . .
