Sunday 23 April 2023

Not in the plan -

- but this one I did finish! 

We were having a deep clean and sort out of the living room last Saturday after the builders left and I found this part done on a shelf under a window. (As you do!)  I say part done; it only had Be ...appy and the dark outline of the beehive. So I picked it up, worked on it this week and finished it yesterday.  It was an enjoyable little stitch and I could even work on it without wearing my head magnifier,. since the fabric is so loosely woven and the holes relatively large. The magnifier is great, but a tad uncomfortable to wear. Now that it's done I'm not sure whether to try and find a frame for it or attempt to put it on a project bag when I have my next sewing lesson. We'll see. 

Also on the finished side of the line are these

made from grey left overs and an Alice in Wonderland set from My Mama Knits. I am so pleased with these for two reasons. The first is that they turned out to be a lovely colourful pair of socks. The second is that I know if you had said to me two years ago 'cast on the grey, make the rest up as you go along and by the way make them non matching' I would have run for the hills screaming in horror. Possibly a little creativity, as opposed to just following a pattern, is struggling to birth. 


1 comment:

  1. I'm finally starting to create for the fun of it again, rather than for someone's present. What a relief 🥰🥰🥰
