Saturday 29 April 2023

More Than I Deserved

I was being a bit of a pain yesterday evening. (I can be, just now and then). I was in a bijou  stropette because we didn't have anything for dessert except shortbread biscuits, when I had thought we had a couple of mini magnums in the freezer,. Someone else must have eaten those. 

Anyway the OH came up with various alternative suggestions from a tin of rice to the shortbread to the raspberry ice cream and I turned up my nose at them all - for perfectly valid reasons - it was too cold for ice cream (although not a mini magnum somehow!), I'd eaten shortbread all day and didn't want any more, and I didn't 'feel like' rice. 

Not my finest hour and I knew it at the time, and I was a bit cross with myself for taking out my disappointment on him because, although I hadn't eaten the mini magnums, it was at least my fault as much as his that we didn't have anything I wanted for dessert. 

It was coming up to Masterchef time - yes , we are still watching it and yes Greg Wallace is still getting more unbearable each season, even though gazillions of us think every year that  that can't actually be possible, and the OH disappeared into the kitchen, from whence came some whizzing and buzzing and dropped cutlery sort of noises and then, just as Masterchef started he came back into the living room and delivered this to me. *

* In case you're wondering, he did make one for himself as well. 

Raspberry souffle. 

It was delicious. 

And I didn't deserve it, given how I had been behaving, but that did not stop me eating it. 


  1. 5 mins Prep, 12 mins in the oven ... easy peasy. Why do the cookery progs make such a fuss about Souffles being horribly difficult? They are super easy.

  2. Bless him! Definitely a keeper xx
