Tuesday 4 April 2023

A Craft Plan Fail

So I had decided that I would cross stitch for an hour a day this year and that I would aim to finish four projects, one a quarter. I picked out four medium sized projects that were already started  and that seemed likely to be completable in that time frame. 

This was the first, which should have been finished by the end of March, and I have to record an epic fail.

This is where it was on 31st March

There isn't really a yellow line across the middle of the fabric btw, it's just a trick of the light. 

The reason I failed is not because there was too much to do, but that the resolution to stitch for an hour a day was latterly 'more honoured in the breach than th'observance'. This was partly to do with the compulsive nature of the massive Anthology Throw knit, and partly because it is easier to pick up knitting and just get on with it that organise myself with chart, threads, project, needle, pencil  and head worn (and not totally comfortable) magnifier for stitching. 

However I have picked it up again over the last couple of days so it is somewhat further on, and I hope to keep at it until it is finished. And then move on to the second quarter's project, which should be finished by the end of June. We'll see how that goes. 


  1. Very pretty, but I don’t envy you. I did lots of cross stitch at one time, but eventually found it so hard to remember what I should be stitching, for the length of time it took me to look from the chart to the fabric, that I had to give up. Damn brain fog!!

    1. That must be hard, although I know you do other things. And if it weren't for you recommending the head magnifier I couldn't do cross stitch at all, even after all the eye intervention so I am very grateful to you for that.
