Wednesday 18 January 2023

Second Christmas Jigsaw - Done

 and here's a picture

It is obviously from the same 'stable' as the previous one, although it was slightly less fun to do. But only slightly and it's another keeper. 

Next up will be one that I got recently in a swap parcel.

Meanwhile I note the weather here has been appalling and I am suffering from cabin fever. Apart from a routine  trip to the GP surgery on Monday to let the vampire loose on me (the OH's way of referring to a nurse taking blood samples) there s nothing gong on except a lot of knitting, a lot of British Airways induced stress (so stressful that I can't even bring myself to rant about it here because it would just depress me and do nasty things to my blood pressure) and a lot  of reading. I could of course indulge in a bit of spring cleaning, but that doesn't seem likely. Somewhere on the horzion is the annual 'go through of the wardrobe' and a little further over it a review of my yarn and card making stashes. Such are the excitements of island life. 


  1. Oh, please don’t succumb to spring cleaning. Life’s too short….

  2. What Heather said!
