Friday 27 January 2023

Domestic Pottering

I had a very lovely day on Wednesday, pottering about doing things that I enjoy. Bar the little bit of housework that I had on my schedule. And the laundry - but I don't mind doing that. It's not as though I'm scrubbing sheets in a sink, then putting them through a mangle. It's hardly an effort to put things in a machine and then press a couple of buttons. 

First off we went for a, very cold, walk. We've been suffering from some travel arrangement stress recently and this walk helped, although not as much as having the situation resolved last night , after far too long, did! 

It's a walk we do relatively often and some readers may recognise the otter statue on the gatepost as he has featured here before. His bow tie has been replaced with a little woolen scarf- an excellent idea given how cold the weather is just now. 

Once we got back I worked on a jigsaw puzzle; not the one  I  had in the recent swap parcel, but one which my sister lent me a while ago. It's a challenge. 

then I made some cake

Last week  bought a new craft storage 'thing'. I had a wicker hamper which I  have been keeping my knitting related accessories in for many years now. The thing was the cats thought it was a weirdly shaped scratching post and treated it accordingly. So when a rather nice lttle box caught y eye a wee while ag nour ocal craft supplies shop I thought  mght get it as a replacetn. 

When I enquired I discovered it was only £12.99, so I splashed out and  treated myself. 

And on Wednesday afternoon I had a good sort out of the hamper contents and those that survived the, not very severe, cull, got transferred to the box. 

And in the evening I did some cross stitch, alas no picture, and did some knitting. My advent project grew and so did a pair of socks. 

It was a really good and productive day in a gentle sort of way.  I'd hoped yesterday would be the same, but having forgotten to set the alarm on my Lumie clock, the one that simulates sunrise and wakes me up feeling refreshed rather than groggy, I overslept and woke up feeling - well, less than alert. Spent most of the day trying catch up with myself, although I never seemed quite to manage it. 


  1. Love the new box!!

  2. I hate that 'overslept and running to catch myself coming back' kind of day - they happen just too often.
