Sunday 22 January 2023

A Short and Chilly Walk


A couple of weeks back we went for a  walk in The Hope and saw about twenty seals pulled up on the beach (well, rocks) there. Naturally enough, because life and how it is, neither of us had our phone or a camera with us. 

We went back today because we really needed to a) get out of the house and get some fresh air into our lungs and b) we had forgotten to buy cream for the cats when we did the shopping on Friday so needed to rectify the situation - or so I was told. Left to myself I wouldn't give the cats cream, but there you go; apparently they tell the OH they 'neeeeeeeeeed it' and he stresses until we have replenished stocks. 

He took his phone and I took my camera, in case, and there were three or four seals on the main slip in the harbour, and quite  a lot more bobbing about in the water, so we managed to snaffle a pic this time 

It was blooming cold and we didn't stay out long but I felt better for making the effort. 

Now I'm off to tell the OH  I neeeeeeeeeeeeeeed a hot cup of coffee and we'll see if I get a response slar to that he gives the cats. 

He's quite excited today as he has a new computer on the way; it is supposedly going to be delivered tomorrow,  but we'll see. 


  1. Did you get the coffee? ;)

    1. oh yes! I'm very well treated as long as I don't try to get in the queue ahead of the cats!
