Friday 18 March 2022

Houston, We Have A Problem

 I haven't blogged for a bit. There's a reason, which is that I am finding it increasingly difficult to read and write. An emergency appointment at the optometrist last week resulted in less than happy news.  (I say emergency, what I mean is, you have to justify bang seen asap instead of joining the hapless queue of people who flood the phone line on a Monday morning hoping to be given a slot four weeks hence for  a routine eye test.)

Anyway, my one good eye seems t have decided to give up on being a good eye and become a bad eye instead. There are several things going on with it, one of which something can be done about easily, one which something can be done about with a minor risk, and one which may or may not  be improvable with surgery. 

The easy thing has been done - a new prescription lens which was fitted this morning. For the rest I have been referred to the Ophthalmology clinic = there's one here every month when the eye specialists come up from Inverness. Optician was hopeful I would be seem when they come this month which would be good as I'm not the best at living in limbo. But who knows.

I've managed to find the tab that lets me make the font bigger on here which makes it easier, so I shan't be giving up on blogging yet. It may be shorter entries and less often though, we'll have to see. The good news for the OH of course is that there is unlikely to be any 'banging on about books' for a while since it really is hard to read for longer than about 20 minutes at a time. Thank goodness for Audible.

In slightly happier news I have had to move my Books to Read poster to another room because I needed the space on the wall in  my study for a year planner since we have things to do and places to go.  


  1. Replies
    1. And thank you too. I'm trying to bd as positive as possible because worrying won't change anything- possibly ignorance is bliss
