Tuesday 18 May 2021

Yes, we've been away

and yes, we're back and  no, it shouldn't have been such a short trip away and no I'm not happy that we had to come back early. This was due to the differing tier levels of Orkney (now Tier 1, hip hip hooray) and Glasgow (remaining in Tier 3) from Monday. So here I am, back in Orkney instead of enjoying life in the big city for another few days. Sob, sob. 

We did see some friends and get in a little retail therapy and I finally saw my Christmas present from the OH even though we're not yet in a position to bring it back here. Sometime this year I'm sure. More details and a few photos to come.

Meanwhile, I had my nails done in anticipation of the big trip away. Like so much else in my life just now  I am very ambivalent about them. Nothing wrong with them per se, I was just so attached to the butterflies from last time. 


1 comment:

  1. So frustrating! I’m so sorry you had to cut your trip short xx
