Thursday 27 May 2021

Laydeez and Chentle-MEN, I give yew ....


the 2020 Debbie Abrahams Mystery Blanket, now complete. 

I finished this yesterday. For the past couple of weeks I have devoted my knitting time on two days of the week to working on this to get it finished. Mostly this meant sewing rather than knitting, which is why I've had to force myself to do it, sewing up not being at all my thing,  but yesterday I finished the final border and mitred the corners. 

A couple more close ups

Bits of it could definitely be described as a learning process. That central square being a casein point as doing it I learned that I don't like doing Japanese short rows. But honestly, although I could be a bit more pleased with it, it wouldn't be by much. It's not perfect, but it is lovely and I am just so chuffed that I persevered and got it finished. 
And next week I must get out the unfinished 2019 one and see what I can do with that....


  1. Replies
    1. I am v pleased with it. I'm going to concentrate on 2019 now before returning to 2021, which I think is going to be the favourite by a country mile once its done.
