Thursday 4 June 2020

A Bit of a Moan about Cardboard.

Remember the other day when I got all excited about the Phase 1 lock down easing, and one of the things I was most excited about was the re-opening of the local recycling centre. This was mainly because the prospect of ridding ourselves of the accumulated cardboard was sending me quite giddy. 

Pictures of the cardboard mountain.... not only a fire hazard but making access to the back door very difficult too.

Well Orkney Islands Council duly announced some recycling centre re-opening. They re-opened two, both in Kirkwall, and both for garden rubbish only. Oh, very well done OIC. Not. 

I was cross. I think cross might be understating my reaction slightly. In fact I was so cross that I insisted we topped up our normal rubbish bin with cardboard, not that there was room for much since rubbish collections were among the first things to be cut and are therefore less frequent than normal. I didn't feel at all guilty - see comments above re fire hazard. I know lots of people never bother to take their cardboard to the tip, just add it to their normal bin and that's what we'll continue to do until it's all gone or the council re-open our local tip and let us take the cardboard there again, whichever comes first. Just at present it feels like hell might freeze over before either of those other two things happen, but I'm sure that's just my annoyance talking there! 

1 comment:

  1. Oh, how frustrating!! That’s just ridiculous 😡
