Saturday 6 June 2020

Lock Down Knitting: A Big Thing

So last year I signed up for the 2019 Debbie Abrahams Mystery Blanket because it started in February and I thought my Ph. D. would be all done and dusted by then and a long term creative project would be just what the doctor ordered and there would be no problem keeping up with the monthly  instalments, because after all what else would I have to do? . Well I think we all know how that went. With all the bells and whistles the Ph. D. was not finished in fact until  August by which time I was well behind with the blanket and deep into family stuff, and once that was all over then there was the Christmas knitting, and trips away and all manner of stuff. 

So why then did I sign up for the 2020 Mystery Blanket? Well for all the reasons really that I signed up for the one in 2019. I wanted to know if, all other things being equal, I could actually keep up and finish the blanket within the allotted time. 

And so far so good. I have managed the squares for March April and May all in their correct months, and have done two of the five squares for June which, given that it's only 6th today, I feel is good progress for this month.

I have photos of the March and April squares. 

And as there are 12 there must be a couple of May ones in there as well. Obviously it's a Sand and Sea theme. I'm hoping I can keep up and get this finished on schedule in November at which point I will go back to the 2019 one and finish it. Well that's the plan. 

There is no part of any plan that includes me signing up for 2021!


  1. What colours are the 2019 one, and what colours do you want to have in 2021? (grin)

    1. Grin indeed! Last years was called winter wonderland so had blues, whites and silver (that was a pain) also greens, pinks and grey. I don't care what colours are announced for next year because I won't be getting it! Seriously they are very expensive, and there is a limit to the number of small knitted blankets any house needs. However there is a Mystery Cushion each year as well as a blanket, and I haven't ruled out getting that.
