Friday 5 June 2020

Horticulture Notes (2)

Sometime last year the local shop had a few cacti for sale. It was a bit of a random thing, they don't normally stock them, and they didn't look like the healthiest specimens in the world but the OH bought one to see if he could do anything with it and has been nurturing it ever since. 

I have not been nurturing it as I am famously impervious to the charm of house plants and look upon them as window sill clutterers and mess makers (dropped leaves and water over spill etc). It's one of the many ways in which we differ.  

Anyway on Tuesday when he was watering the cacti he said 'I think that cactus I bought at the local shop might be about to flower you know!' and I said something soothing and congratulatory in reply without looking up from a tricky piece of knitting and promptly forgot all about it. 

Until the next day when he happened to glance at the window sill and said 'Oh Wow' and 'It flowered' and various other excited things and, lo and behold, it had. It had produced a large and very beautiful flower. 


  1. Lovely! Well done, A 😁😁

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