Monday 19 January 2015

Here's a Question

I did some work on my thesis today. I'm currently fighting my way through a draft of the first chapter, which is OK most days. It sort of depends on which particular bit of my poet's biography I'm covering, and my personal level of interest in it. Recently I've been trying to cover  the publishing history of his work in book form. This is not the sort of thing that sets me alight, so it's slow work. Thank goodness (in a way) that he only had three books published in his lifetime. Anyway, I had to get up relatively early because we were expecting the joiners, so I was in my study well before nine and it's now nearly seven. I have managed to get to the end of the publishing summary bit, which is the good thing, but how come my total word count for a fairly long day, is only 606 words? That's not much for ten hours work, is it?*
* OK, I wrote a letter and did some e-mailing connected with my work as well. Other than that it's a victory for the distracting power of Facebook, Ravelry and Jo's Dream Organic Café Deluxe 2.

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