Wednesday 10 March 2021

Some Good News

I was debating whether to make this post about more knitting or more books but in the end decided to use it to record the fact that I am due to get my first Covid vaccine on Monday at 9.00 am. The early start is the price you pay/reward you get (delete according to mood) for having a surname beginning with A. 

Other excitements include an appointment for a hair cut on Saturday, fancy new nails for spring on Monday and booking a holiday for the beginning of August. This last may be a triumph of hope over expectation but I thought if we booked it for a long way in advance we might have some chance of actually getting it, so fingers crossed for a week in Devon this summer. I am so longing for some time away, although once we can travel again the first trip will be to Glasgow to see Son No 2. 

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