Tuesday 16 March 2021

And now I feel like death

 I had no side effects from my jab for hours. I was done at about 9.15 and went to bed at midnight feeling fine. Almost as soon as I lay down my arm started to throb, I developed a headache and began to shiver. Followed up with aches all over. I was so disappointed as I had gone to bed thinking I had been one of the lucky ones who wasn't going to have side effects. Never mind,  I thought as I drifted off to sleep, I  expect this will all have worn off by morning. 

Only it hadn't. If anything I felt slightly worse. So much worse in fact that I took a paracetamol. Only those who know me well will realise quite how badly I must have felt, to do that. However I had an on-line class at eleven that I didn't want to miss so I was forced to dose myself up. I was sorely tempted to pop a jumper on over my pyjamas and pretend that I was dressed, but I couldn't bring myself to do it, although I did swap track suit bottoms for the more normal jeans with a belt. Which was fine because I can only be seen from the shoulders up. 

I'm now havering between trying to read in the sunroom, and falling asleep because it's really warm in there, trying to do some of my new jigsaw puzzle in the kitchen which is quite cold and where I will not fall asleep, or giving up and going back to bed. 

While I contemplate the alternatives here's a picture of a bonny bit of Orkney which I took on Sunday.

It was blow-y!

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