Monday 15 March 2021

I've Been Jabbed!

First dose of Covid vaccine this morning. Had to be at the vaccination centre in Kirkwall for 9.00 am. Now yawning my head off but unable to say whether that's fatigue from the vaccine or just me not used to getting up quite as early as I did! 

Very well organised and efficient, glad I've been done. And now the wait begins for  the second dose. 


  1. Glad you’re on the way xx

    1. Ta! It doe feel like a step in the right direction.

  2. I saw the timetable for Orkney and read with a deep feeling of envy that I am not there to be part of it. For me it looks like my stabbing time could be as late as May - I fear I have fallen between two health boards and I cannot chase it up until all of my possible groups (so 6 and 8 depending on what has been picked up) have got to the end of their allotted span. It's a drudge and a drag and very depressing.

    1. Yes I've been a bit cross because I thought I would be in the next batch after the OH, who had a birthday at Christmas and therefore snuck into the age band above me. However they then started doing people with underlying health conditions and I was fairly resigned to waiting for another 3 weeks. And then they announced this mass week-long vaccination which is doing everyone from I think 42, to 64. The OH got the Pfizer vaccine and had nothing to show for it but a sore arm for three days so I was a bit sorry I got the AZ which I knew was worse for side effects. But the important thing is to be done. I do hope you don't have to wait too long Orkney being a single local authority/health board and an island community does make some things easier than they are south.
