Sunday 6 December 2020

More Knitting. And coming as a surprise to no-one -

 - it's more socks.

Rachel Coopey's pattern Thornfield, which I have had for ages knitted in toshmerino light which I have also had for a long time. 

These are destined for Son No 1 as his second pair of birthday socks. I'd done  a pair ages ago, but when his wish list came and it had socks on it then  I decided I'd see if I could get another pair done. Unlike his father and brother he is not a fan of brightly coloured socks, so the grey seemed a suitable choice and I'm hoping he won't think the pattern 'too fancy', especially after the hours I spent knitting it. Although it's not as complicated as it looks. 

In other knitting news the Debbie Abrahams mystery blanket, abandoned for a while for Christmas knitting, edges towards completion. I have three and a half more squares to complete, then a million and one ends to weave in, strips to sew together and then a multi row edging to attach. That sounds a lot, but believe me the end is in sight. Although I can't see me ever tackling  Japanese short row shaping again. 

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