Sunday 23 December 2018

So here's the plan ...

.... no computer time on Christmas Eve or Christmas Day. I was going to add Boxing Day as well, but I don't reckon I can stay away from my e-mails for three whole days, even though most of them are from companies I should really unsubscribe from. Because there is always the hope, sometimes even fulfilled, of a 'real' mail. 

Yesterday I watched my favourite Christmas film. It doesn't have much competition because I find I can rarely thole schmaltzy Christmas movies, but While You Were Sleeping I just love. Could be Sandra Bullock acting up a storm, could be Bill Pullman just, you know, being in it, could be the funny script. Whatever - I enjoyed it, watching on my laptop, while Son No 2 put himself through watching Watership Down Part 1 on the big TV. 

Today I marzipanned the cake ( I know, too late) bought some last minute presents, despite saying several days ago that we had bought enough, but what can I tell you, I got sucked into an offer at Tescos, and phoned relatives to wish them a Happy Christmas.

Tomorrow we clean the house. Or those bits of it we can still get to under the Christmas decorations. I make a trifle for Christmas Day. And then we relax. If I can remember how. 

So a day earlier than in previous years  - Happy Christmas to You All from Orkney. 


  1. Wishing you a very Merry Christmas Anne!
    Tomorrow is our clean the house time too.
    Trifle sounds yummy. I haven't made one in ages.
    Real mean snail mail??? Canada Post is more (or less) getting it together so bit by bit so mail is arriving in the letterbox.
    We're hopeful that the current' bug' in the house will be over by the 25th. Daughter and the boys are sick as well. Welcome to December I guess....
    Enjoy some relaxing time!
    take care

  2. I know you won’t see this till Wednesday, so I hope you had a warm, happy, relaxing Christmas, away from the computer, and are recharged and ready for the New Year! xx
