Friday 28 December 2018

From the Far Side

So that was Christmas survived once more. I have to say I think I prefer it to fall at the end of a week or at a weekend: having Christmas Day on a Tuesday has thrown us all out of kilter. And it will all be to do again next week for New Year.

I stopped putting up daily  pictures of my advent calendar, because all of a sudden it seemed like jumping up and down shouting Look what I've got. However I did take a picture of the whole lot once they were all open

and there they are. I shall start using them come 1st January. It was lovely of the OH to buy me this and I really enjoyed opening it up every day to find the little surprise. Still not sure what I will do with four small bottles of body lotion, but I daresay I will think of something and everything else is extremely welcome. 

I was a bit poorly on Christmas Day in the afternoon and very poorly on Boxing Day, but luckily the Christmas TV schedules have been so rubbish I didn't miss anything I was desperate to see. Or even vaguely interested in, come to that. 

Yesterday I was mostly recovered which was a good thing as it was the OH's birthday. For Christmas son no 2 had bought me a cinnamon bun kit from the people who bring me my baking subscription and I made them yesterday, as a sort of slightly out there alternative to birthday cake. (We do have a Christmas cake but thus far it has been marzipanned but not yet iced. I excuse this on the grounds that no-one actually does/should cut into their Christmas cake before New Year.) Anyway people rave about these cinnamon buns and having made and tasted them I can quite see why. Picture? 

 There you go. That's about the best shaped one. They were all a bit pale ,so  maybe more glaze or an extra five minutes in the oven next time. And yes, there will be definitely be a next time.

Tomorrow is son no 1's birthday but as that is taking place in Toronto we bear no responsibility for anything to do with it other than sending a present which I did ages ago. If it wasn't for the pesky presence of New Year next week (when it should be celebrated at the Solstice)  we could all be returning to normal.

That said I have today resumed the Great Work, so normality is almost restored here anyway. Greatly assisted by a trip to the dump yesterday with an unfeasibly large number of empty cardboard boxes! 


  1. We really enjoyed the live-action remake of the Jungle Book, on Christmas Day, but otherwise the schedule has been somewhat lacklustre - by which I mean really rubbish 😉😉 We have the RI Christmas lectures recorded, as usual, but actually at the moment we’re enjoying two repeats: The Colour Of Magic, and Hogfather!

  2. I was rather enjoying the advent thingies (and this dislike of body lotion bemuses me, as I use a LOT of the stuff . . . all more proof of the infinite variety that is being human.)

  3. I had not thought about Winter's Solstice being the Actual New Year; this makes perfect sense to me. Over the years Winter solstice has become the most Important Day of the year to me. Now I have another reason why.
