Monday 5 August 2024

The Great Wool Sort Out Update 7

Oh, dear, this doesn't make happy reading. Wool in was 1075g, which was largely  my club yarn  that comes quarterly and of course the yarn in the box for the Ricorumi crochet nativity. They may only have been 25g balls but there was a lot of them. As for wool out, there's nothing. I finished hardly anything in July, and it's not worth getting the scales out for it,  which is disheartening, and much as I tell myself that I made progress with things and finished some very small projects and after all I was away for most of the month I'm still a bit disappointed with myself. The net stash reduction is now 6987, which actually is still a good result, but you know .... not as good as it was!

I'm not tackling one of my storage boxes for July/August. Partly because I couldn't in July and partly because we're going to have to do some moving of things around, including my wool boxes, fairly shortly because the decorator is coming in a couple of weeks and my room needs to be empty ( and that's going to be a task!) So in August I'm just going to pick things that I actually want to knit and knit them. After all the whole point of reducing the stash was so that a) I'd only have wool in there  that I wanted to knit with, and b) that I wouldn't have so much that I couldn't see a pattern I liked and just buy the yarn for it and knit it. 

Meanwhile, here's a sneak preview of something I did finish and which will be making an appearance in full in the August round up. 

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