Saturday 24 August 2024

Bits 'n' Bobs

 I have to say life is not particularly interesting at the moment - which is not to say that I am bored or not keeping busy, but I am not doing anything particularly blogworthy. Basically I am limping around the house, occasionally giving vent to an 'ouch' or a strangled yelp, while leaning heavily on a stick and moving between chairs, as sitting in any particular one for too long gives me a nasty ache in what I believe those of a sporting persuasion refer to as their 'glutes'. 

I did manage to finish a jigsaw puzzle yesterday - here it is 

I bought it from a charity shop after seeing it in there on three consecutive visits; I resisted the first two times but couldn't on the third occasion. It only cost me £2.50 which was an absolute bargain as the toyshop at the other end of the high street has it in stock new for £14.99. However I assume the brand new one will not have two missing pieces, which eagle eyed readers will already have seen is the case with the one from  the charity shop. I was a bit cross. My sister has a sideline in doing jigsaws for a charity shop local to her, to check that all the pieces are there; shame they didn't do the same here.  Never mind , it is done. It took me ages because when I bought it I didn't figure in the fact that butterflies (and moths) really creep me out. But they do, and even touching some of the pieces of this that featured their creepy little hairy bodies, or there even more creepy antennae/spindly legs/buggy eyes made me feel quite uncomfortable. Basically I should have left it on the shelf. 

I had another physio appointment yesterday and am happy to report that, due to a combination of natural healing and my devotion to my exercises I am a lot better than I was. Also the physio had decided that my glute pain was unrelated to the knee injury but to do with my back so he is treating that as well. This means I am a bit sore today but it's all in a good cause. I have an extra set of exercises now to do for my back . I continue with the one for the knees and I am also carrying on with the icing which apparently is great for inflamed joints. I see him again at the end of September and fingers crossed the improvement will have continued apace. 

After the physio we finally made it to Geri's Ice Cream parlour; we have tried to do this previously since our return but not made it because it was just too uncomfortable for me to sit in the car for that long. We managed yesterday and as she is staying open until the end of September this year we may even fit in one last visit before she closes for the winter. 

While on medical matters I should note that we received a bill from the hospital in Savonlinna which was rather  higher that I had anticipated so we put in an insurance claim for that and the overnight hotel that we had to book in Glasgow on the way home; we'd planned to stay with son no 2 but the flat is on the third floor of a building with no lift and I couldn't have made it. Although  I did have to provide one piece of information three times, he claim was settled without quibble and in full . Having moaned about the company previously, not without cause, I feel I should give credit where it is due in this instance. 

Today is the annual village RNLI regatta and funday, postponed from July because of the bad weather we had then. We like to go when we're here but obviously I can't manage it this time so I have despatched the OH to purchase a selection of home bakes and I'm looking forward to seeing what he brings back. Maybe a photograph in a later post. perhaps while I rant about Celebrity Masterchef which is back on our screens, a phrase to which I  somehow feel obliged to add the word 'already.' 

1 comment:

  1. So glad to hear you’re continuing to improve, and that you got your ice cream! I wish CM wouldn't use reality 'stars' - they always seem louder and less sensible than the rest 🤬🤬🤬
