Friday 30 August 2024

Happy Anniversary to us.


As long time readers will know we generally forget our wedding anniversary but this year we didn't and we even remembered in time to arrange to go out for lunch. 

I suggested we try Sheila Fleet's place. Again, long term readers will know our opinion of  that particular establishment hasn't been high, but last time we went it was OK, and people rave about it. I mean, they rave . They recommend it. They put it on FB pages when people are wondering where to eat in Orkney  when they come here on holiday. And there have been lots of positive  comments recently and I thought, well, it sounds great, and it will make a change  and if we have a proper meal it should be fine.... 

We had the pie of the day with vegetables and potatoes. When the waiter came to pick up the plates after we had finished ( I use the term loosely, please don't think it indicates an empty plate) he asked if everything had been OK for us. I said 'I enjoyed the cabbage'; a phrase I had never expected to utter in my life, seeing as cabbage must be my third least favourite vegetable, after spinach and parsnip. I think you will gather from that that everything had not been OK. 

We did have coffee and cake to follow though. There wasn't a lot of choice so we both went for the St Lucia cake and it was really nice. Not the best idea I've had in the last twelve months but I'm not beating myself up because some of the others were brilliant! And we really will never ever ever darken the door of Sheila Fleet's cafe again. 


  1. How disappointing 🤬🤬🤬 Happy anniversary to you both xxx

  2. Was that where you unfortunately encountered the politician who must not be named (as his name requires rude words alongside)? And is it the place 'nort' in an old church? (I am utterly useless at remembering names of places - and people.)
