Saturday 3 August 2024

Sort of Lucky!

As I have yet to describe the unfortunate incident that ruined my holiday this post is a bit out of sequence but I'm in a funny 'two steps forward, one step back' place just now and I wanted to break up the holiday narrative - not that there's much of it left. But however little there is, I don't feel like doing it today. 

The short version of what happened is that I knackered my knee and as instructed by the doctor in Finland I followed up with my GP here. This was probably a bit slower than the Finnish doctor anticipated as it was a week before I could get an appointment and even then it was a video call, as all 'first appointments' are at our surgery these days. I'm not saying that's a bad thing, and I expect it's much better for the surgery staff, and that's not a bad thing either, but sometimes you 've got to think that the best way for the doctor to decide what's wrong is to have a look. 

Not in this case apparently. Both Finnish and Scottish doctors concurred I had torn my meniscus and the GP said it would get better on its own, and it had been slowly improving anyway,  but he would refer me for physio because that would help it heal quicker. To be honest I expected a 6 week or more wait for a physio appointment so I was pleasantly surprised - sort of - when I had a phone call from the department yesterday morning offering me a cancellation. I say sort of because I have been having a lot of trouble sleeping with my bad knee, as well as something slightly amiss with my back, and I'd just managed to drop off 40 minutes before the phone call came, and woke me. However  it was obviously in my interests to take the appointment so I said yes we're be there and dragged myself out of bed and got dressed in trousers and a shirt as opposed to the leggings and T-shirts I'd been living in since we got home and off we went. 

The physio was lovely and gave me the glad tidings that if I did what I was told the knee could be back to normal within 2 - 3 weeks. Since I'd heard a lot of 'oh they take months and months' stories, this was music to my ears. So today I have done what I was told; iced, rested, elevated and done some exercises and also for the first time since we got home, abandoned my stick. 

The trip to the hospital was also the first time I had ventured out of the house since we got home and it felt good to get some fresh air. I'm hoping that that will be the same tomorrow, as it is my birthday and bust knee or no bust knee, we're going to Geri's for ice cream to celebrate. 

No picture, but then who wants a photo of a poorly knee? 

1 comment:

  1. Thank goodness you got to see the physio so fast, and that it looks like it will be a quicker process than you feared for it to heal. Enjoy your ice cream! Xx
