Wednesday 10 May 2023

Success from Failure (2) sewing lesson 4


This was the project I didn't have time to finish last week, a lined drawstring project bag. Eagle eyed readers with retentive memories may well recognise the decoration on the front form a post last month when I finished stitching  the cross stitch design.

I am really pleased with this, not least because it cost me very little; the cross stitch was a gift from a friend, the base fabric was left over from the backing for the bunting and the check comes from a small collection of material pieces that I bought many years ago when visiting my sister in Baltimore where she lived for four years. It was so good finally to find a use for some of it. 

I feel I am making progress with my lessons; my machining is getting better and faster, and I remember more things from week to week. Baby steps, but enjoyable ones. 

Also the teacher may just have mentioned somewhere local where I can take an introductory weaving course... 

1 comment:

  1. Nice bag! 👍👍👍

    Ooh, weaving. I've always wanted to try weaving...
