Wednesday 17 May 2023

Books to Read poster No 48


Yet another example of 'why on earth did they choose this picture for that book?' because it was  The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo by Stieg Larsen . Now, colour me obvious if you like, but if I'd been choosing an image for the book I'd have chosen a picture of a tattoo of a dragon. Or a tattoo of the Chinese symbol for dragon. I wouldn't have chosen a picture of a light motorbike which gets mentioned like twice in the book. But hey-ho, I'm not the marketing genius who came up with the idea of the poster in the first place so I have to bow to the choices of whoever was. 

As far as the book goes, I have read it before and didn't particularly want to tackle it again but I did. And my verdict was much the same as before; good plot, badly written. Well maybe not badly, more pedestrian. Too much tell not show, and the journalism background comes through in the style big time. 

1 comment:

  1. I really enjoyed the whole series, but you're spot on about the journalistic style
