Wednesday 5 January 2022

Something I watched; Something I read.

 This is something I watched yesterday. 

I dabbled a lot in the MCU  in the summer when staying with Son No 2 and again when he came to visit in August, but I had hitherto managed to avoid The Incredible Hulk. Even as a young girl when I was vaguely aware of superhero comics I never liked the hulk and I still don't. However son no 2 was determined I should watch it, he's a bit of a completist, so yesterday evening when there was nothing to watch on TV (Ok that's almost a given these days) and the OH was otherwise engaged pretending to shoot enemy planes out of the sky, we settled down to watch it. I think it would be fair to say I didn't like it very much. Apart from my general dislike of the main character it wasn't helped by the presence of Liv Tyler acting even less, if you can believe it possible, than she did in the Lord of the Rings movies. I would say she phoned in her performance but she didn't evince sufficient energy to make me believe she was capable of switching a phone on. Other than that, bang crash wallop and a lot of wibble wibble pretend science.Also a wasted Tim Roth who spent a lot of time looking bemused; possibly wondering how his agent had persuaded him to take the part. I know all MCU films have a lot of crash bang wallop and plot holes you can drive  a tank through but they generally have some good acting, and an amusing  knowing script. The Hulk script was totally leaden, possibly because the lead actor apparently kept rewriting it on a daily basis. Perhaps he should have stuck to acting and let the scriptwriters do their thing. It might have made for a better film. 

This is the book I finished yesterday

I used to read a lot of Pratchett, and then it all got a bit samey and I got a bit fed up with it, especially as it got to the stage that if you missed  a book you were lost when the next one came out as new characters kept appearing so I stopped. This one was passed on to me recently by my friend E, who has passed on a lot of books and I am determined to read a lot of them this year. This was the first one I picked up and I enjoyed it very much. DEATH has always been one of my favourite Discworld characters, and I'm also attached to the Raven. Both of them featured strongly in this. A lovely Christmas-ish plot, told with  a lot of wit and panache, and much to say about giving, charity and how (badly) the world works. There was also a riff on 'fine dining' which, as someone who has been forced to watch more episodes of Masterchef in all its incarnations than she would have sat through of her own accord, I found very funny. Although not as funny as the ravens constant quest for eyeballs. 

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