Tuesday 11 January 2022

Languishimg in Limbo

I am still here, and I'm busy but I don't seem to be accomplishing or doing anything worth writing about. I'm reading but  haven't finished a book recently, I'm knitting but have nothing finished to show for it, ditto the cross stitching that I've picked up. The weather has been foul so we haven't been able to get out for many walks and the only one we did recently I didn't take my camera, and it's even a bit too dark to tackle jigsaw puzzles. I suppose it's just that time of year. 

One good thing is that the whole series of The Fourth Arm is now available on You Tube and I've been enjoying that very much with five episodes to go. It still stands up well, although modern viewers might find it a tad slow. The most remarkable thing to me is the lack of swearing, the occasional damn is as bad as it gets. I'm not a fan of the high levels of blasphemy and bad language which pepper our TV screens these days, but it's a sign I suppose of how desensitised to it we have all become that the lack of it here merely makes the drama seem less realistic. 

Hopefully there will be a more interesting post soon. 

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